Connecting track to Parking site Deffernik (you can get by train there)

Approach by car:
B11 - Turnoff Zwieslerwaldhaus - beneath the historic railway bridge - after 200m you reach the parking site Deffernik - after 150m afoot towards Schwellhäusl the track begins on the right hand -you reach the green track after 1.5 km (1 mi) - follow the green track 1 km (0.6 mi) and reach the start and finish area.
By train:
Cross the railway, then turn right - after 1 km (0.6 mi) you reach the parking site Deffernik

Length: ca. 2,5 Km (1,5 mi)
Marking: "Skiwanderzentrum Zwieslerwaldhaus"
Character: easy


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Source: Map "Skiwanderzentrum Zwieslerwaldhaus - Bayerischer Wald", ©Steiner Design Verlag